Johannes Kepler University Linz (Avstrija) organizira za študente univerzitetni poletni program Festival University. Osrednja tema letošnjega programa je “Welcome to Planet B! A Different Life is Possible. But How?”.
Sporočilo partnerja:
4 weeks, 200 international students, an international faculty, and an opportunity to address some of the greatest challenges of our time: The most prominent international symposium in support of technology & art, the Ars Electronica Festival, and the Johannes Kepler University Linz are organizing the second annual Festival University, a special summer program between August 18 and September 14, 2022, under the motto “Welcome to Planet B! A Different Life is Possible. But How?”.
Participating students receive a stipend to cover travel expenses, accommodation and meals (excluding personal expenses) and earn 6 ECTS credits.
Applications are due by June 30!
Fotografija: Festival University (
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