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KOMBINIRAN INTENZIVNI PROGRAM: Winternational Week at KAMK, Finland Objavljeno: 22. 11. 2022

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences na Finskem vabi študente, da se pridružijo dogodku Winternational Week v njihovem kampusu od 13. do 17. februarja 2023. Tečaj študentom prinaša 3 ECTS, glavna tema pa je: “Building Trust – promoting collaboration in social and health care”. 

Program bo izveden tako kot virtualni dogodek, kot tudi fizična mobilnost. Tečaj je brezplačen (vključno s kosili in zimskimi aktivnostmi, razen safarija s huskyji) za študente in predavatelje.

Rok za prijavo je 9. december 2022.

Vas zanima več? V priloženem dokumentu najdete več informacij: EBP 2023_brochure

Tečaj se bo izvedel kot kombiniran intenzivni program Erasmus+. Študenti ste upravičeni do Erasmus+ štipendije. Aktualni razpis najdete tukaj.


We are very happy to invite you to join the Winternational Week@KAMK event on our campus on 13 – 17 February 2023. The theme of the 3-ECTS international intensive course, organized by the School of Health and Social Services is ‘Building Trust – promoting collaboration in social and health care’. For more information about the Winternational Week, visit International Events – Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu (

Attached you can find information about the intensive course, which is a blended intensive program (BIP) consisting of a virtual component (students) and a physical mobility period of 5 days (students and lecturers). The course is free of charge (incl. lunches and winter activities except for the husky safari) for students and lecturers.

During the course both students and lecturers have the opportunity to mix and mingle with colleagues, learn from one another, discuss current topics and try out some winter activities. Lecturers are also invited to give a lecture on a topic of their own choice. In addition, the international NursEduPal@Euro project organizes a lecture on multidisciplinary palliative care development and teamwork for both students and lecturers, and workshops on new innovations in palliative care education for lecturers on Wednesday, 15 February 2023.

The registration is open for both students and lecturers at International Events – Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu ( till 9 December 2022. Please note that incoming students must be nominated by the international office at their home university by 15 December 2022. The nominations (student’s full name, DOB, gender, and e-mail address) are to be emailed to The maximum number of international students is 20 students.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the Winternational Week and the intensive course at the KAMK School of Health and Social Services.

 Looking forward to meeting you in Kajaani in February!


Vse aktualne informacije v zvezi z mednarodno izmenjavo študentov in mednarodnim sodelovanjem, bomo objavljali v Erasmus novicah.

Na njih se lahko naročite na tej povezavi.

Fotografija: Alexandr Bormotin on Unsplash

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