Univerza za ekonomijo v Bratislavi vabi študente z vseh študijskih smeri na prakso v njihovi mednarodni pisarni. Potrebujete le znanje angleščine in nekaj kreativnosti! Podrobnosti so podane v njihovem sporočilu spodaj.
Greetings from sunny-cold Bratislava!
Attached you will find the information sheet and a poster about a traineeship opportunity at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia.
The offer is also newly shared on our website: https://euba.sk/en/medzinarodne-vztahy/erasmus-internship-traineeship-offer/all-the-important-information.
We would also like to point out the video made by our former intern and encourage your students to Find new possibilities with EUBA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMO1ZLj5WX4.
We are kindly asking you to spread this offer among your students who might be interested in doing a traineeship with us.
This possibility can be taken under ERASMUS+ Program. Students from all the faculties are welcome to apply. The main requirement is a sufficient level of English language and a bit of creativity.
Vse aktualne informacije v zvezi z mednarodno izmenjavo študentov in mednarodnim sodelovanjem, bomo objavljali v Erasmus novicah.
Na njih se lahko naročite na tej povezavi.
Fotografija: https://www.vandraj.si/bratislava-top-3-mesta-ki-bodo-razvadila-vase-brboncice/