Univerzitetni center Leonardo da Vinci v Parizu vabi študente z različnih področij na 4-6 mesečno prakso v Parizu kot administrativni asistent Erasmusove pisarne.
Prijave se zbirajo na tem e-naslovu: alain.ouvrieu@devinci.fr
Sporočilo partnerja:
This is an internship offer : we need help, and would like to recruit a student from a partner institution in Europe, starting possibly in September 2022, for a 4 – 6 month internship in Paris.
Mission : administrative assistant of the Erasmus office. The main task is to help the Erasmus team to allocate Erasmus scholarships to students.
We pay 600 €/month, and the student can also get the Erasmus internship scholarship. The enclosed job offer is in French because we do need a French speaker – French B1 is OK, we are not looking for a fluent speaker.
The student profile is open : business, accounting, languages, IT, etc… all welcome.
Priloga: Stagiaire Europe Projets Internationaux et Bourses
Vse aktualne informacije v zvezi z mednarodno izmenjavo študentov in mednarodnim sodelovanjem, bomo objavljali v Erasmus novicah.
Na njih se lahko naročite na tej povezavi.