Univerza Mykolas Romeris v Litvi vabi študente k opravljanju Erasmus+ prakse v njihovi univerzitetni mednarodni pisarni. Z delom lahko začnete kadarkoli od novembra 2023, za obdobje od 3 do 6 mesecev.
Priloga: https://www.erasmusplus.um.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/traineeship-offer-at-MRU-1.png
Sporočilo partnerja:
With our warm greetings we would like to invite you to our offer for TRAINEESHIP place at International Office!
Candidates could start any time from November of 2023. Erasmus+ traineeship at International Office can last from 3 to 6 months depending on mobility duration allowed and supported by your institution.
International Office of Mykolas Romeris University is offering for incoming trainee students:
communication, social media, external relations and partnership, student support, project work and a possibility to be part of various international events where participants can be presidents, ambassadors, professor or students like you from various countries.
Requirements for candidates:
Any questions can be dedicated to me,
With gratitude and kind regards,
Laura Jakubsevičienė
Manger for International Traineeships
Vse aktualne informacije v zvezi z mednarodno izmenjavo študentov in mednarodnim sodelovanjem, bomo objavljali v Erasmus novicah.
Na njih se lahko naročite na tej povezavi.