We are delighted to announce that the University of Maribor Library will host the 7th traditional Erasmus+ Staff Training Week for Librarians.
The ESTW for librarians will be organised as a blended intensive programme with online and live sessions. The online sessions will be organised from 5 to 9 May 2025, and the live programme is scheduled from 26 to 30 May 2025.
The ESTW for librarians is a joint project of the University of Maribor Library and the University of Maribor. A preliminary programme is enclosed, but it can still be subject to change.
The online sessions of the ESTW will give the participants the possibility to present themselves and their home libraries. In the live sessions, services and activities of the University of Maribor Library will be presented and discussed. A visit to a faculty library and an excursion to one of the most mystical cities in Slovenia will be organised.
The call for applications is open until 17 March 2025, but please ensure you only apply if you are interested in coming. The selection procedure will be finished on 18 March 2025, and we will confirm your application on the same day. The number of participants is limited to 30. Should there be more applications, we might accept only one person from an individual library.
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) represent an added value for participants in comparison with regular staff training weeks as they combine physical and virtual mobility. As regards the administrative procedures of reporting the BIPs in the Beneficiary Module, the only difference is that the “Blended intensive programme” option must be ticked when entering the mobilities. The funding is drawn from the staff mobility for training fund.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Maribor.
The preliminary programme is available here.
Application form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TkbxjrYonUSVvuZp7j0IrPfRJN360LVBko5t0tpXJqRUM0FCRDdHT01ONVVFQzlDNDcxVDhSTkUwTi4uhttps://url.um.si/Jr3b4
Contact person: Mateja Borak
Erasmus+ Coordinator
E-mail: mateja.borak@um.si