Application for study year 2025/2026 is not open yet!
The sending institution is responsible for nominating the candidate/s for moblity by 25 October 2024.
The selection criteria for the nomination must be carried out in accordance with the Erasmus+ interinstitutional agreement (IIA). When providing the nomination, the sending institution guarantees that all eligible students at its institution were given a fair and equal chance for participation and that the nominated students are best matched for mobility.
The sending institution must fill the form Attachement 10 and send it by 25 October 2024 to the e-mail address. The form must be signed and stamped by the responsible person at the sending Institution.
Application must be sent to by 15 November 2024.
The application has to contain:
*Students applying for the preparation of a diploma, master, or doctoral thesis also have to attach the »Mobility Activity Plan« (Attachment 7) confirmed by the student and the Erasmus+ coordinator or other responsible person at the sending institution.