Spoštovane študentke in študenti!
Obveščamo vas, da smo objavili 2. razpisni rok za sofinanciranje mobilnosti študentov z namenom študija v tujini v programu Erasmus+ za študij v študijskem letu 2023/2024.
Študijske izmenjave se lahko udeležite na partnerski univerzi v eni izmed držav EU, Veliki Britaniji, Islandiji, Norveški, Turčiji, Severni Makedoniji ali Srbiji.
Več o PRIJAVNEM POSTOPKU in AKTUALNEM RAZPISU za sofinanciranje mobilnosti študentov v programu Erasmus+ najdete na spletni strani www.erasmusplus.um.si.
Rok za prijavo je do zapolnitve mest oz. porabe sredstev.
Opogumi se in se prijavi na Erasmus+ študijsko izmenjavo!
Zapolni svoj svet!
Dear students,
The University of Maribor has published the SECOND CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR CO-FINANCING OF ERASMUS+ STUDENT MOBILITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF STUDIES ABROAD in Programme Countries for the 2023/2024 Academic Year.
Programme (participating) countries are members of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, North Macedonia and Serbia.
For more information on the application procedure for co-financing of Erasmus+ mobility for the purpose of studies abroad please see the SECOND CALL FOR APPLICATIONS.
The deadline for submitting electronic applications on the website of the University of Maribor is until the funds are exhausted.
Be bold and apply for an Erasmus+ student mobility!
Enrich your world!